The carlino or pug is a breed of small proportions perfect for any home that stands out for both its intelligence and its caring attitude, warm and quiet are adjectives that make it a perfect companion for children and adults. So Are pugs smarter than dogs? Let’s find out now.
Peculiar Historical Roots
Having its historical origin in China more than 3,000 years ago, it was later sponsored by the United Kingdom, from where the word “pug” or “pugg” comes from, an affectionate Old English term by which a playful little friend was known and that was implanted to him to be a happy and funny dog. In fact, pug puppies are known as plugetitos.
The term carlin would begin to be used in France thanks to an 18th century Italian actor, Carlo Antonio Bertinazzi, who had the pseudonym of Carlin and played the role of Harlequin with a black mask. Since then, the breed spread across the European continent and the European courts made it a symbol of high society.
Another interesting historical curiosity is that Josefina, Napoleon’s wife, had a pug that she used to send secret messages. It also had a prominent role in some important works of art such as the portrait that Francisco de Goya made of the La Marquesa de Pontejos.
Its Small Size, Its Main Physical Feature
With a short stature and a square and compact appearance, the pug is identified as a dog of small proportions, with a large head, straight legs and a curly tail. His height is around 30 or 36 centimeters and his weight are between 6 and 10 kg.
With short hair and silver or black soft apricot it has a fairly broad chest despite its small size. It also stands out for being a fairly long-lived dog, since it can last from 12 to 15 years of life, which together with its proportions, makes it an ideal pet for many families. Here are More information about the same.
Moderate Exercise And Careful Diet
The pug does not require specific basic care, as well as an abundant amount of exercise. Your possible respiratory problems require that you get used to carrying out moderate physical activity two hours a day may be enough together with a careful diet based on good quality feed, thus avoiding that you could become overweight when consuming poorly recommended foods, such as sweets or the like. The pug’s coat does not require complex care either, as it has smooth, fine and soft hair. The basic care of washing and brushing will not require more diligence than that of other breeds, quite the opposite.
His Intelligence and Joy Represent Him
The friendly and extremely cheerful character of the breed is famous above all else, and they are considered both funny and very calm and intelligent dogs. It should also be remembered that it is a dog that requires affection, since they are quite faithful and kind dogs with people. Therefore, it is not surprising that they have a close relationship with the owner and with all the members of the house, which can make them very territorial dogs if we do not educate them clearly who is boss in the home.
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